#1 28-06-2021 07:49:26

Inscription : 05-05-2021
Messages : 715

Delisting of Federal Reserve: Gold Prices See Slump Again?

New Trick by Illegal Platforms: Online Fruit Shopping for Cheap Became a Fraud

A new scam has been disclosed by the police recently, during which purchasing fruit online for only $1 is nothing but a prelude to a fraud involving millions of dollars.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  Ms. Zhou heard the information of “online fruit shopping for cheap” from her friends online a time ago and placed her order. In receipt of the delivery, she was added by the customer service via social networks for cashback based on praise, thus feeling satisfied very much. Then they gradually became best friends as the customer service often chatted with Ms. Zhou online.
  The customer service unveiled “by accident” one time that she profited a lot from her investment via a forex platform. Ms. Zhou was tempted to invest with the guidance from the customer service and found that the amount of her account was multiplied.
  However, unavailable withdrawals in advance rammed into her, coupled with the steep slump shown by trading charts recently. Her principal has been wiped out.
  It was not until the customer service recommended Ms. Zhou make more deposits in a bid to recover her losses did she realize that she was swindled and call the police. According to the police, this was a fake forex platform that provided false information on the market. Ultimately, 33 suspects were arrested, and approximately 1.5 million dollars involved in the case were seized.
  As a reminder, please be alert to strangers as forex trading is risky! WikiFX, a broker info search tool, is ready to help you check the qualifications and reputation of platforms, protecting you from hidden dangers! (bit.ly/wikifxIN)

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#3 21-05-2022 04:37:25

Inscription : 06-08-2018
Messages : 1 657 056

Re : Delisting of Federal Reserve: Gold Prices See Slump Again?


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