#1 09-08-2021 05:16:52

Inscription : 05-05-2021
Messages : 715

World of Warcraft Changes Coming In Wake of Lawsuit

World of Warcraft Changes Coming In Wake of Lawsuit

Blizzard's World of Warcraft team has decided to release a statement on recent affairs, following internal conversations of the team, which include mention that there will be World of Warcraft changes coming too.To get more news about buying world of warcraft items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

The statement (in full below) in general doesn't say much in specifics in regards to the events that led to the lawsuit or tomorrow's expected walkout, but states that they need to take actions to make the environment more inclusive and better for their team and players. Beyond that they state that it will take a time to rebuild trust, and that the leadership says it understands it is not their place to judge when they have achieved their goals, but rather the team and community's.

As for Azeroth itself, there are no specifics but there are going to be changes coming. In the statement, they say that immediate action is being taken to "remove references that are not appropriate for our world", and presumably those are related to the treatment of minorities and women. This work is underway and the World of Warcraft changes will be coming to both the retail version in Shadowlands and World of Warcraft Classic in the future.

This would appear to also mean the reports of 'no work' being done on World of Warcraft have been blown out of proportion a bit. Given that they began from a Saturday tweet by a developer, it is likely that there was a lot of discussion over the past week and a significant slow down of work as everyone wrestled with and discussed the issues going on - and what they were going to do both as an organization and personally.We have seen the beginning of the World of Warcraft changes coming, and they begin with references to former senior creative director Alex Afrasiabi being removed. Afrasiabi was the only person other than Blizzard President J Allen Brack named in the lawsuit, and left last year in what has now been revealed to be for misconduct. Due to his prominence in the development of the game, and the company's love of easter eggs he was referenced a number of times. These changes were reported by Wowhead first, and here are a few of the ones that they have spotted:

More information has emerged about some removals. Apparently the Field Marshal Afrasiabi hasn't been removed in World of Warcraft Classic, including Burning Crusade Classic servers. On the PTR, the servers have also removed some of the Spit Emote. There is no explanation for the change, which has prompted speculation about why this has happened.

One theory advanced is that some players were using the emote on Field Marshal Afrasiabi, while this removal would halt that. Another is that it could be done to curbed harassment of players, especially those who had purchased the deluxe editions and were riding about with their premium mounts. The only problem with this theory, is that players can still use /spit on 'name' and it has largely the same effect, albeit without cross-faction possibilities. General /spit, as in spititng on the ground, still works.

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#3 06-06-2022 19:35:21

Inscription : 06-08-2018
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Re : World of Warcraft Changes Coming In Wake of Lawsuit


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