#1 31-08-2021 08:50:32

Inscription : 05-05-2021
Messages : 715

KGM Roller Biscuit Machine

KGM Roller Biscuit Machine

KGM biscuit machine can deal with sweet pastry dough for cookie, jam biscuit, viennese cookie, gingerbread cookie, wafers, christmas biscuit, playing card cookie, etc. As there is no friction or pressing of the dough in the biscuit machine, it is possible to use dough with a fat content between 30% - 70% (in relation to flour); in some cases even to 80%. This means that you can use sweet pastry dough according to your own recipe and make biscuits of your own design. We can name biscuit machine as biscuit maker, cookie machine, cookie maker.Get more news about Bronze Biscuit Roller,you can vist our website!

KGM biscuit machine and cookie machine flexibility; changing the figure roller to make another kind of biscuit, is a matter of seconds. Push two levers backwards and you can change the figure roller without using any tools. The feeding roller can be taken out completely and cleaned in less than 3 minutes with a special dough scraper.

KGM biscuit machine and cookie machine cutting system; the figure roller forms the dough figures on the feeding roller. An adjustable knife, that moves very quickly, cuts them off from the dough sheet. This cutting system can process all kinds of soft sweet pastry dough. It is possible to cut the dough figures at the desired thickness.

KGM biscuit machine and cookie machine has AUTOMATIC "STOP AND GO"; in order to monitor the dough input and the transport of baking trays constantly, switches have been built in the machine. These switches stop the machine if the dough input is insufficient, or if there are no more baking trays left in the machine. As soon as the input of the dough and baking trays starts once more, the machine will start running again. The dough figures are cut and automatically fed onto the baking trays by means of a conveyor belt.

KGM biscuit machine and cookie machine with heating system for figure roller, no flour dusting and therefore a better end result folding baking tray tables make the machine more compact.
KGM biscuit machine and cookie machine capacity; the machine can be operated by one or two persons. This depends on the desired capacity. When the machine is operated by two persons, one operator feeds the baking trays and the dough slices into the machine, the other removes the baking trays and puts them in a rack. The capacity when operating in this way is 2 - 5 kgs of dough per minute, depending on size and thickness of the dough figures. However, the machine can also be operated by one person, as it stops automatically when the supply of dough slices and/or baking trays is interrupted.

KGM biscuit machine and cookie machine is equipped with a long feed hopper for the input of dough slices. This feed hopper can be put into two sloping positions a more sloping position for thick dough slices a less sloping position for thin dough slices The extension of the feed hopper has been fixed to the machine, but in such a way that it can be folded down. The support of the extension of the feed hopper, when folded out can be put in a holder, where it is automatically "locked".

KGM biscuit machine and cookie machine for an efficient operation of the biscuit machine, a good quality baking tray is essential. Our baking trays are manufactured of a top quality dark blued steel plate with open front sides and slightly curved ends. The baking trays are available in standard lengths of 590 mm, 800 mm and 1000 mm. The outside width of the baking trays is 250 mm. We can also provide other lengths on request.

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#3 18-06-2022 00:54:13

Inscription : 06-08-2018
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Re : KGM Roller Biscuit Machine


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