#1 28-01-2019 08:16:05

Inscription : 04-12-2018
Messages : 469

s is a fairly recent development. The origin of domestic male-female r

Former governor of California and action-movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger will become the spokesperson for Southwest China's Sanxingdui site Joshua Dobbs Jersey , a Bronze Age archeological site in Sichuan Province, in order to help promote it overseas, the Sanxingdui Museum announced on Monday.

The 69-year-old US star visited the museum on Monday and expressed his excitement at accepting the offer.

According to a report from new site people, during his visit the actor said he was impressed by the Sanxingdui site and wanted to share this feeling with the world.

"Our decision to invite Mr Schwarzenegger to be the global spokesperson for the site is in line with the guidelines outlined in The Declaration of Supreme Harmony that say we should 'use Hollywood's film language to connect Sanxingdui culture with the world in order to better protect World Cultural Heritage sites," Zhu Jiake, the curator of the museum said in a statement, referring to the guidelines released during the 2016 Global Ancient Civilization Protection Forum in Beijing last week.

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, April 22 (Xinhua) -- Eurozone finance chiefs gathered in Amsterdam Friday to assess Greece's bailout progress.

They are also to discuss the country's eligibility for more aid payouts amid escalating efforts to reach an agreement over the economic reforms Athens has to implement to unlock new loans.

"There was very good progress in Athens. In my view, we are close to an agreement. This agreement is possible. We need for that to have a credible package of reforms, which are economically adapted, financially sustainable and which are socially fair," European Economic and Financial Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici told reporters ahead of the meeting.

"I'm confident that with an effort, an agreement is within reach," he said.

The commissioner stressed that Greece must meet the targets fixed for the primary surplus in 2018. Athens is expected to achieve a 3.5 percent of gross domestic product target for its primary surplus in 2018.

"The figures given by Eurostat for 2015 go in the right direction," said the commissioner.

The current review of Greece's compliance with its bailout is already six months behind schedule.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has demanded that Greece draft legislation on extra austerity that would be implemented if the government miss future budget targets.

These so-called contingent fiscal measures would be in addition to a package of 5.4 billion euros (about 6.1 billion U.S. dollars) over the coming three years. A discussion on these measures is expected to be a chief topic at Friday's meeting.

"I'm hearing good news from Athens," chairman of eurozone finance ministers Jeroen Dijsselbloem said ahead of the meeting.

Greece had a primary surplus last year that beat the target set in its bailout program, according to the European Commission, the European Union's executive arm.

Athens recorded a primary surplus, which excludes debt servicing costs, of 0.7 percent of gross domestic product in 2015, which is in line with the Commission baseline and substantially better than the program's fiscal target of a primary deficit of 0.25 percent of GDP for 2015.

"If we make progress on the content of the program and the next steps then we need to start the discussion on debt. We're only at the beginning of that discussion, so don't expect any deals today," the eurozone's finance chief noted.

"Debt is a discussion we've not had before. The only thing we had was a promise that if the Greeks would commit fully and deliver on the program we would look at, if necessary, further debt measures," he said.


CARACAS, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan men's basketball team will debut on Saturday night against Serbia at the Rio Olympics after a 24-year absence since making their first ever appearance at Barcelona 1992.

In Group A, Venezuela will face Australia, China, France, the United States and Serbia while Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Spain, Lithuania and Nigeria form Group B.

After the preliminaries, four best teams from each group will advance to the quarterfinals, which will begin on Aug. 17.

The semifinals will be played on Aug. 19. The champion and bronze medal matches will take place on Aug. 21, the closing day of Rio 2016.

Venezuela's first Olympic appearance was at the 1992 Games in Barcelona when they qualified after coming in second during the qualification tournament held in Portland, United States.

Nestor Che Garcia's team is made up of Anthony Perez, David Cubillan, Gregory Echenique, Gregory Vargas, Dwight Lewis, Heisslert Guillent, John Cox, Jose Vargas, Miguel Marriaga, Miguel Ruiz, Nestor Colmenares and Windi Graterol.

Venezuela have sent 87 athletes at Rio 2016 participating in 19 sports, 22 less than the number for Beijing 2008 but 17 more than that for London 2012.

Venezuela has won a total of 12 medals in their Olympic history, including two gold, two silver and eight bronze medals with boxing being the South American country's most successful sport, taking home five medals out of it.

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#3 27-05-2019 16:01:10

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#6 02-08-2019 22:13:32

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#7 06-10-2019 19:20:53

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#8 05-12-2019 18:29:03

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